Natural Rejuvenation
Natural Rejuvenation
For Optimal Wellness
For Optimal Wellness
Physician Prescription &
Employer Flex Spending
Natural Rejuvenation Inc.
5044 E. 10th St. Indianapolis, IN 46201
Tele: 317-243-3550
Natural Rejuvenation Inc. does not take medical health insurance or process insurance claim forms. Our client’s M.D., or D.O., can write a prescription or detailed letter that specifies the insurance ICD Codes as follows:
Constipation 45915
- Unspecified Constipation K59.00
- Slow Transit Constipation K59.01
- Outlet Dysfunctional Constipation K92.02
- Other Constipation K59.09
The above insurance codes are provided for the benefit of our clients to precipitate reimbursement for their personal colonic hygiene. Always consult with your medical physician prior to making significant changes to your health routine and incorporating new health practices. We also encourage our clients to check not only with their insurance companies but with their employers regarding flex-spending account policies for reimbursement of colon hydrotherapy when prescribed by a physician.
Upon obtaining a prescription for colon irrigation “As needed” or “As necessary to correct bowel response” it is our clients responsibility to submit insurance claim forms with out invoice/statement (identifying that the colonic irrigation procedure was performed at our office as directed by the order of your physician) and your original physician prescription attached for reimbursement.
Additionally, it is helpful for your physician if you contact your health insurance company to clarify which ICD code or codes they accept for colonic irrigation. Other ICD codes may be available from your health insurance company for medical procedures such as a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, etc. wherein a colonic prior to the procedure is deemed necessary.